Are you looking to do business with the city? You can find a full list of open RFPs on our website here:
11 months ago, Crystal Hines
RFP graphic
Did you know that NGC offers on-bill financing? This means the monthly amount is simply added to your utility bill making it easier than ever to get the appliances of your dreams. For more information on how to apply, visit:
11 months ago, Crystal Hines
On Bill Financing Graphic
April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month, a time to raise awareness about the importance of protecting children from abuse and neglect. In honor of that, you will notice blue bows and pinwheels at many businesses and homes, including Willis Park and our Bainbridge Public Safety office. Blue bows are available for purchase for your home or business at The Oak House or by contacting Amy Eakin at (229) 309-1882.
11 months ago, Crystal Hines
blue pin wheels in Willis Park
What an amazing turnout for Opening Day this morning! The sun shone brightly as we proudly welcomed the latest addition, the Bainbridge Oaks Disc Golf Course, to our community's beloved recreational hub – the Earle May Boat Basin.
11 months ago, City of Bainbridge
group cutting ribbon at golf course
Catch up with the latest stories, events, and news updates in the City of Bainbridge. If you haven't already, download our app! Download for Android Download for iPhone
11 months ago, Crystal Hines
App graphic
Does spring break equal spring cleaning for your yard? Here are a few tips to help get your debris picked up quickly and easily:
12 months ago, Crystal Hines
yard debris infographic
Final touches are being made to the Bainbridge Oaks Disc Golf Course and we are looking forward to its opening day this Saturday. Join us at Hole #1 to the left of the Chamber of Commerce at 10:00 AM for the ribbon cutting!
12 months ago, Crystal Hines
Opening day Invitation
Course rules sign
yellow disc at hole 1
Tee box sign
We know all of our BPS staff are heroes, but we are proud of Investigator Josh Glover for being featured in The Post Searchlight's Heroes 2024 issue. Read more here:
12 months ago, Crystal Hines
Josh Glover hero ad
Join us for an exciting Touch-A-Truck event as we wrap up our celebration of Georgia Cities Week!! Get up close and personal with all sorts of vehicles, from fire trucks to construction rigs. Bring the whole family for a morning of exploration, fun and honking horns!
12 months ago, Crystal Hines
touch a truck graphic
City Council Meeting Recap: March 19, 2024 Bainbridge City Council Unofficial report of city council meeting Called to order: 6:30pm Present: Mayor Edward Reynolds, Councilmembers Glennie Bench, Don Whaley, Keenan Adams, Roslyn Palmer, Kregg Close and Sylvia Washington Absent: NONE Business Items: Approval of minutes from previous meeting. Approval of amendment to January 16, 2024 minutes to include approval of bid and bill. Approval of alcoholic beverage licenses. Approval of resolution for Carport Central. Approval of multi family development rates. Approval of bids. Special Guests: NONE The next regular City Council meeting will be held April 16, 2024 at 6:30 pm. Note: Council recaps are not official minutes of city council meetings. Official minutes are posted on the city website upon approval by the city council.
12 months ago, Crystal Hines
front of city hall
Meet the newest member of our team! Engine 1! Congratulations to Bainbridge Public Safety on the delivery of your new Pierce Mfg Saber #pumper, loaded and equipped with: - Chassis: Saber 7010 - Engine: Cummins Inc L9, 450 hp - 19" Extended Front Bumper - Seating for Six - HAAS Collision Mitigation - Provision DVR HD Camera System Task Force Tips Electric Extend-a-Gun and Remote Controlled Deck Gun - Tank: 1000 Gallons - Top Mount Pump Panel with Speedlays - Waterous Company CSU, 1500 GPM Pump - Husky 3 Foam System
12 months ago, Crystal Hines
front of truck
profile of new truck
What a great time celebrating St. Patrick's Day in Willis Park Saturday!
12 months ago, Crystal Hines
group in gazebo
boy on bouncy house
DJ leading group
guys standing in front of gazebo
in front of green fountain
Natural Gas Utility Workers’ Day is an occasion to honor the natural gas utility workers in our community who work tirelessly to provide dependable and cost-effective #energy to households and businesses across America. #NGUWDay #gasworkersday
12 months ago, Crystal Hines
natural gas utility worker day
Due to water rising in the Flint River, the following recreational areas are closed in the Earle May Boat Basin: 1. The Campground 2. The Mega Ramps 3. The long loop of the Nature trail 4. Power has been cut to the part of the boat basin past the mega ramps toward the campground resulting in the walking trail not being lit at this time. 5. The road is closed at the intersection of W. College and Cox Avenue back toward the campground. Please do not attempt to drive through or walk in areas that have been barricaded off. We will post when we have reopened the area.
12 months ago, Crystal Hines
Cox Ave and College closed
smokehouse area under water
Yesterday, the City of Bainbridge was recognized as a Plan First Community by the Department of Community Affairs in a ceremony held at the Capitol. Representatives from our Community and Economic Development Division were on hand to accept the award from Commissioner Nunn. This award was given due to our dedication to comprehensive planning and community development.
12 months ago, Crystal Hines
commissioner nunn giving award
group shot on capital steps
Due to water rising in the Flint River, the following recreational areas are closed in the Earle May Boat Basin: 1. The Campground 2. The Mega Ramps 3. The long loop of the Nature trail 4. Power has been cut to the part of the boat basin past the mega ramps toward the campground resulting in the walking trail not being lit at this time. We will post when we have reopened the area.
12 months ago, Crystal Hines
Nature Trail
Mega Ramps
Mega Ramp Parking Lot
Paved Trail
Paved Trail 2
📣 Attention! Due to recent heavy rains and rising water the Bainbridge Oaks Disc Golf Course Opening Day has been postponed until April 6, 2024 at 10:00 AM.
about 1 year ago, Crystal Hines
Disc Golf graphic
Due to water rising in the Flint River, the following recreational areas are closed in the Earle May Boat Basin: 1. The Campground 2. The Mega Ramps 3. The long loop of the Nature trail We will post when we have reopened the area.
about 1 year ago, Crystal Hines
rising water graphic
It's that time of year again!
about 1 year ago, Crystal Hines
spring forward graphic
A huge thank you goes out the 7th grade class at Spring Creek Charter Academy who spent their morning picking up trash throughout the Earle May Boat Basin as part of their annual Community Service Project. Their volunteerism and willingness to lend a helping hand improved the area so that our residents and visitors can be proud of our greatest natural resource!
about 1 year ago, Crystal Hines
group of 7th graders